Our Vision
Aotearoa-New Zealand is a diverse place that deserves our respect and attention. At Terra Whenua we aim to assist both nature itself and the people wanting to connect with nature. There are some fundamental challenges regarding conservation in New Zealand; we need to do more and get better at how we do it. To that end Terra Whenua is passionate about improving ways to deliver conservation, where through the likes of innovation, research and working collaboratively we can push forward towards achieving increasingly broader goals and visions.
Our Philosophy
We understand that conservation means different thing to different people and that achieving goals starts by understanding who you are and what your vision is. We believe that a collective growth of knowledge and shared thinking will allow us, as the people of Aotearoa-New Zealand to enable this, and to better re-establish natural connections with both the land and each-other.
Our Services
Terra Whenua are experienced in a wide range of conservation deliverables, ranging from field work in remote back-country situations to managing complex projects. As linked to the categories below, our services holisitically include concepts such as planning, mapping, reporting, customer liaison and analysis.
General guidance, or looking to get started?
Assessments and Reviews
An overview of complex projects, including all planning, financial, delivery and reporting requirements.
Native Species
Terrestrial surveys and monitoring.
Pest species
Planning and design, operations delivery, issue identification, goal setting and results analysis.
Research dynamics and quality assurance concepts, including planning and delivery.
Technical Delivery
Dealing with administration, red-tape and legal requirements.